Contact Us
Contact East Hants Chiropractic Clinic in Shubenacadie
Thank you for your interest in the chiropractic care, Traditional Chinese Medicine, massage and other services offered by East Hants Chiropractic Clinic in Shubenacadie. We serve patients from across northern and central Nova Scotia.
If you are ready to reduce pain, increase your range of motion and be on your path to wellness, please give us a call to schedule an appointment. You can also contact us via email or through the contact form on this page.
East Hants Chiropractic Clinic (Shubenacadie)
2793 Highway 2, Shubenacadie, NS, B0N 2H0
Business Hours
Practitioners may also be at the Shubie clinic outside regular clinic hours for scheduled appointments including some Saturdays.

Welcome to East Hants Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractic Care, Massage and Laser Therapy, Acupuncture & TCM, Pilates
and Custom Foot Orthotics in Shubenacadie.