Services > Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
Try Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at Our Shubenacadie Clinic
If you are unhappy with your current lifestyle and medical treatments and are looking for something new, you may be interested in trying Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture in Shubenacadie. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of health care that includes acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, exercise and breathing therapy (qigong), as well as diet and lifestyle advice.
TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and other mind and body practices to treat or prevent health problems. TCM is rooted in the ancient philosophy of Taoism and has been around for over 2,500 years. At East Hants Chiropractic Clinic we help you focus on your health with Chinese herbal medicine, nutrition therapy, therapeutic massage, healing qigong, and acupuncture in Shubenacadie. With these practices we can help you relieve pain, prevent health problems, and heal injuries.
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine using the virtually painless insertion of very fine needles into specific points. These points are called acupoints, and each has a very particular function. The combination of points that is selected by your acupuncturist is what makes treatment effective for different ailments. Acupuncture is effective because it helps activate the body’s ability to heal. When performed by an experienced practitioner using sterile needles, acupuncture is completely safe. Our registered acupuncturist studied in China and has many years of experience in acupuncture and TCM as a whole.
What Can TCM & Acupuncture Do?
Acupuncture and TCM have the ability to help many people with many different ailments. Our registered acupuncturist has experience helping patients with various conditions and injuries including:
Sports Injuries
Acute and Chronic Pain
Motor Vehicle Accidents and Whiplash
Shingles and Trigeminal Neuralgia
Hormonal Imbalances (Menopause & PMS)
Headaches and Migraines
Insomnia and Sleeping Problems
Mood Disorders and Depression
Bell’s Palsy
Gastro-Intestinal Disorders
Asthma and Allergies
If you have recurring pain from a car accident or are unable to sleep at night, visit East Hants Chiropractic Clinic . Our registered acupuncturist has the experience, skill, and knowledge to diagnose your problems and help you find solutions to them. If you’re looking for a different way to treat your injuries and illnesses that is less invasive and more homeopathic, try Traditional Chinese Medicine or acupuncture in Shubenacadie.
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Chiropractic Care, Massage and Laser Therapy, Pilates
and Custom Foot Orthotics in Shubenacadie